However, if you want to use a specific commercial font –you will have to pay for it. website has launched a service, similar to Google Fonts, in September 2010. Directory of has over 20,000 fonts and under their free plan there are more than 3000 fonts are available for free. The catch is that if you take their free plan –your website will have to show a “” badge. This option is OK for personal websites but professional bloggers and webmasters may not like it because it disturbs the aesthetics of the website. Another good thing about is that they have fonts available for almost all major languages. So, as long as you use UTF-8 encoding, you can display material in any language using these fonts. If you opt for the free plan –you’ll have to insert a JavaScript code in your webpage. This code enables your website to use the selected font and it also displays the badge. Font selection via CSS is not supported in the free plan. For personal websites, where aesthetics is not mission critical, this free service from is great. You get to use fancy fonts for free. But if you want to use any of those thousands professional stylish fonts, you can shell out a few bucks. Please let me know if you have any questions about this topic. I will be happy to try and help you. Thank you for using TechWelkin.