One more feature that was introduced with posts some years earlier was the Archive option. An archive is an option on Instagram that allows you to privately save your posts as well as stories so that they do not get displayed on your profile but still remain within the platform. When you archive posts on Instagram, only you will be able to access and view them. But, how and where do you see archived posts on Instagram? If this question is bothering you then worry no more because in this article you will learn how to see archived posts on Instagram. If you do not know how to archive an Instagram post, click here to learn how to do so in detail: How to Archive a Post on Instagram?

How to See Archived Posts on Instagram?

When you archive posts, they will be stored in your profile but in a hidden way due to which they might be hard to find. Also, you can only see these posts using the Instagram app or, using your phones and not through the Instagram web version. To see archived posts on Instagram, follow the given steps:

1. Open Instagram and click on your ‘Profile icon’.

2. Click on the ‘Hamburger icon’.

3. Select the ‘Archive’ option.

4. Click on the ‘Dropdown menu’ and select ‘Posts archive’.

5. You will be taken to your archived posts.

6. Click on the post you wish to view.

In this way, you can see archived posts on Instagram.

How to Unarchive a Post on Instagram?

Now that you know how to see archived posts on Instagram, you can also unarchive them and display them on your profile if you wish to. Unarchiving a post on Instagram does not post it again but only makes it visible on your profile when someone opens them and stalks you. To unarchive a post on Instagram, follow the given steps:

1. Open Instagram and log into your accounts.

2. Go to the ‘Archived posts’ on Instagram using the steps mentioned above.

3. Select the post you wish to unarchive.

4. Click on the ‘Three dots’.

5. Select ‘Show on Profile’ option.

6. Select ‘Show on profile’ again.

7. The post will be unarchived and visible on your profile.

Hence, in this way, you can unarchive a post on Instagram.

Can I see someone else’s archived posts on Instagram?

Unfortunately, you cannot. Instagram allows you to only access your own archived posts on its platform. Given that the archive posts feature is designed for hiding the posts people do not want anyone else to see on their profiles, Instagram does not allow you to see someone else’s archived posts.

How long can a post say archived on Instagram?

There is no time limit to how long your posts stay archived on Instagram. Once you have archived a post, it remains so until you unarchive it by yourself.

Can I archive other people’s posts?

No, Instagram allows you to archive only the posts you have shared. You cannot archive someone else’s post on the platform.

How to archive a post on Instagram?

To archive, a post on Instagram, open the post you want to archive, click on the ‘Three dots’ option above the post and select ‘Archive’. The post will be archived.


Hence, by using the steps mentioned above in the article, you can now see archived posts on Instagram. You can also unarchive them whenever you wish to display it back on your profile and archive it back again if you want to. Hope this article was helpful and cleared your doubts. Feel free to leave comments in case of any queries.


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