Servers on Discord are a great way of connecting with thousands of people all around the world at once and discussing the topics you are all interested in. These servers can be informative, and interesting and provide you with good information. However, some servers can be inappropriate and be causing community violations. In those cases, you can report these servers. If you are unaware of how to report a Discord server, worry no more because, with this article, we have you covered.

How to Report a Discord Server?

Reporting a server is an easy task and only takes a few minutes. So, make sure that if you are ever exposed to inappropriate servers causing community violations, you report them. Otherwise, these servers will grow even more and harm a lot of young people and their mindsets. You can report a Discord server by:

  1. Using Phones
  2. Using Desktop/PC

1. Using Phones

To report a Discord server using your mobile devices, follow the given steps:

1. Open Discord on app and log into your accounts.

2. Go to the server you wish to report.

3. Press on their profile icon for some seconds and select ‘More Options’.

4. Click on ‘Copy ID’. Now go and paste the id into your notes, MS Word, or Notepad for future use.

6. On your browser, open Discord Trust and Safety and click on the ‘Hamburger icon’.

7. Select ‘Submit a Request’ option.

7. On the drop-down server, select ‘Trust and Safety’.

9. Enter all the details they ask for as shown below. Make sure you fill them properly.

10. You can also add screenshots of the chats to make your claim stronger.

11. Once done, click on ‘Submit’.

In this way, you will have reported a Discord server using your phones. Copying the ID of the server is important because no matter what the server changes their names to, later on, their ID will remain the same. And if push comes to shove, you can use that ID against them.

2. Using Desktop/PC

To report a Discord server using a Desktop/PC, first, you will have to turn on the developer mode on Discord. Only then, you can proceed with it. To do so, follow the given steps:

1. Open Discord on your device and go to ‘User Settings’.

2. From the left side bar, select ‘Advanced’.

3. Toggle on the ‘Developer mode’.

4. Now, go to the server you wish to report.

5. Right-click on their server icon and click on ‘Copy ID’. Now go and paste the id into your notes, MS Word, or Notepad for future use.

7. On your browser, open Discord Trust and Safety then select ‘Submit a Request’ option.

8. On the drop-down server, select ‘Trust and Safety’.

9. Enter all the details they ask for as shown below. Make sure you fill them properly.

11. Once done, click on ‘Submit’.

In this way, you can report a Discord server using your desktop devices. Along with reporting servers on the platform, you can also report individual people on the app if they are disturbing you or sending you inappropriate messages. Click here to learn more: How to Report Someone on Discord?


Hence, by using the steps mentioned above in the article, you can now easily report a Discord server. Sometimes your phones may also require you to turn on the developer mode which you can do through user settings. Make sure that you report all the servers on the platform that are inappropriate and causing problems so that they get blocked from the platform entirely. Hope this article was helpful and cleared your doubts. Feel free to leave comments in case of any queries.


How to Report a Discord Server  - 26How to Report a Discord Server  - 78How to Report a Discord Server  - 53How to Report a Discord Server  - 56How to Report a Discord Server  - 10How to Report a Discord Server  - 35How to Report a Discord Server  - 21How to Report a Discord Server  - 65How to Report a Discord Server  - 72How to Report a Discord Server  - 93How to Report a Discord Server  - 10How to Report a Discord Server  - 36How to Report a Discord Server  - 1How to Report a Discord Server  - 23How to Report a Discord Server  - 61How to Report a Discord Server  - 87How to Report a Discord Server  - 94How to Report a Discord Server  - 3How to Report a Discord Server  - 77How to Report a Discord Server  - 78How to Report a Discord Server  - 33How to Report a Discord Server  - 30How to Report a Discord Server  - 84How to Report a Discord Server  - 87